English translation for "external quantum efficiency"
- 外部量子效率
Related Translations:
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | It can remarkable enhance the external quantum efficiency by changing the structure of faceplate and decrease the light loss , because if can change the direction of the ray , and avoids the light - wave effect 这正是本文研究的内容。这种方法通过改变器件的结构,降低光在器件内部全反射的损失,从而提高器件的外量子效率。 | | 2. | The detector was characterized to have a cutoff wavelength at 340 nm and the photo - responsivity measurements on the pixels result a uv response as high as 0 . 15 a / w , corresponding to an external quantum efficiency of 54 . 8 % in the visible - blind spectral ranging from 400 down to 250 nm 该肖特基光电二极管阵列的光谱响应截止边为340nm 。在400nm至250nm的紫外光盲区域,光电响应测试显示该器件在截止边波长处具有0 . 15a / w的高响应度,相对应的外量子效率为54 . 8 。 | | 3. | 4 design of hb - led is focused on mqws and top layer . compensatory mqws for led active layers have led to good results follow the analysis in former two chapters . systematic analysis of current injection and light output via external quantum efficiency of hb - led showed mat the optimum of top layer of hb - led is appeared to be between 15 u m and 20 u m , and at least is 5 u m 根据前两章的分析设计出补偿应变多量子阱的有源区结构;然后分析计算了器件的电注入和光输出过程,指出降低顶层的电阻率和增加顶层厚度都可以使注入电流更有效地扩展到上电极外面的区域,增加厚度还可以增加器件的侧面出光。 | | 4. | For being with many advantages , it has been an active subject in recent years and much progress has been made . on the basic of analysis of many kinds of led structures , a new kind of strained layer structure has been introduced into our designed hb - led which has been manufactured in our laboratory to demonstrate a even higher efficient light emission . through calculation of led external quantum efficiency , a method for design hb - led top layer was evaluated 本论文分析了当前国内外各种led的结构及其制作工艺,在技术上较为成熟的双异质结构基础上,我们在器件的有源区引入应变多量子阱结构,并根据实际需求增加补偿应变技术以保证发光层结构的稳定性;通过对器件外量子效率的计算,使得在器件设计有了定量的理论分析依据;并采用先进的涡轮lp - mocvd成功制备出galnp gaalinp应变多量子阱高亮度发光二极管器件。 |
- Similar Words:
- "external qualifier" English translation, "external quality assessment" English translation, "external quality assessment schemes" English translation, "external quality control" English translation, "external quality factor" English translation, "external quantum number" English translation, "external quenching" English translation, "external r-wave programmed pacemaker" English translation, "external race" English translation, "external radial boundary" English translation